DonationsCosmos Education is currently raising donations to support our ongoing and future activities. To learn learn more about Under African Skies and other projects, please go here: Projects. To learn more about Cosmos Education, please send an email to this email address. USA
If you'd like to support our activities, please make checks for Cosmos Education payable to: "The Tides Center: Cosmos Education". Checks should be mailed to Cosmos Education Executive Director, Kevin Hand. The Postal Address is: Cosmos Education, c/o Kevin Hand, 4638 Los Feliz Blvd. Apt 1, LA, CA 90027, USA. Notification and acknowledgement of your tax-deductible donation will be made through the Tides Center soon after it is received. UKIn England and Wales, Cosmos Education UK is Registered Charity number 1100278. Pound Sterling donations by credit or debit card may be made by clicking this button. (UK Taxpayers may donate with "Gift Aid".) Pound Sterling Donations may be made by cheque payable to "Cosmos Education UK". UK Taxpayers wishing to donate with Gift Aid should complete a form (PDF, 47kB) and include it with their cheque. Please post donations to: Cosmos Education UK, c/o Carol Lo (Treasurer), 12 Ellison Lane, Hardwick, Cambridgeshire, CB23 7QA, England. |
In Kenya, Cosmos Education Kenya is Registered Society No. 26710. |